What is going on?

  • Why is it that whenever you hear "Gamestop" on the news you hear about Wallstreetbets, and NOT Dr Suzanne Trimbath, or Wes Christian or Lucy Komisar?
  • Why is it that there have been over 2,000 articles around so called "meme stocks" and Gamestop in particular, but not ONE, not a single one has mentioned the fact that $GME has a dream team assembled from the top companies (GMEDD source) of the world?
  • Why is it that the news behind almost every Gamestop's success is painted in a negative light by the media, despite all successes?
  • there are several videos below, that I wanted to share. All credit goes to the original creators ie - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJ-mn_GXx-MZeL8KiNx-_IA  and other channels.
  • This is just a short summary of what has been found throughout the last year, there is tens of thousands of videos that have been shared online, and I could not possibly hope to document them all

Wes Christian discusses the stock market

Summary of the video to follow


Dr Trimbath AMA

Patrick Byrne - on naked shortselling

What is naked shortselling, and what effect does it have.

More about this issue: Notice his point about "drop it to nothing". This will be covered later.

More data around here: https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/rsaevv/in_march_of_2005_this_guy_bought_100_of_shares/


Short Interest and Failures-to-Deliver

More around naked shortselling - from Richard Evans

What is an NFT really?

Work in progress

Robbie Ferguson, Immutable Co-founder AMA

From the official Superstonk youtube channel 

NFTs and Finance- where do they meet?

Original from the official Superstonk youtube channel 

Paul Conn, President @Computershare, AMA part 1

From the official Superstonk youtube channel 

Paul Conn, President @Computershare, AMA part 2

From the official Superstonk youtube channel 

What is a FTD? - Fail to Deliver

Dr Suzanne Trimbath, covers Fail to Delivers in detail in her book, as well as her AMA video above

Phantom Shares + FTD's - what does it mean

There is more info on FTDs in the "dd" section - it will update shortly.

Inside Job - 2008 crisis documentary

There is more info on FTDs in the "dd" section - it will update shortly.